Ignite IBS
Phillipians 3:8
More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,
This world we live in is so materialistic. Everybody wants everything. I remember before I came to Ignite, I had alot of stuff. I had everyTHING I wanted and I had to leave it all behind to come here. I had to sell my sportbike and my truck to get the money to come. I had to make a decision to put Christ before those things. I'm not saying that having stuff is bad, I'm saying it is bad when you put that stuff before God. Just like the verse says, "I count all things to be loss". The USA is the most materialistic place that I can think of. Everybody wants that American dream, the house, the car, the job, the self and all for self and image. The only thing wrong with the American dream that most people crave is the self. It's not wrong to have the house, the car, the job as long as they don't consciously or unconsciously become your god. Change it from the American dream to The Jesus Dream.
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